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Temple Intro Workout

Hex Bar Squats

Why we picked them:

Hex bar squats make use of the same motion as the squat while limiting the amount of pressure placed on the spine.

How to do them correctly:

Stand inside of the hex bar with your feet forward. While keeping your back as straight as possible while bending at the knees. In order to keep a straighter back during the lift focus on keeping your shoulders back and chest up right.


DB Bench Press

Why we picked them:

The dumbbell bench allows for chest activation, while making use of lighter weights. The lighter weights make this exercise safer than a barbell bench and can help in preventing a possible muscle imbalance that can become present when primarily using the barbell press.

How to do them correctly:

Lie down on a flat bench while holding a dumbbell in each hand to the sides of your shoulder. Push the weights above your chest then lower them slowly for one rep.


Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns

Why we picked them:

The Wide Grip Lat Pulldown is a terrific exercise for all shapes and sizes. This is a exercise that will be found in programs ranging from beginners to advanced lifters due to its effectiveness and ease.

How to do them correctly:

First you should set the seat to the appropriate height based on the length of your arms. Taking your seat you should reach for the handles making sure you are in a overhand grip. While keeping your chest up pull your elbows down to your hip and slowly return to the starting position to finish the rep.


DB Seated Shoulder Press

Why we picked them:

Similarly to the dumbbell chest press the dumbbell shoulder press allows for a lighter weight to activate the muscles. Not only is the dumbbell shoulder press a great shoulder builder, the addition of the seat takes the legs out and increases the effort of the shoulders while maintaining the security of a lighter weight.

How to do them correctly:

Pick the dumbbells up with a neutral grip from the floor. While sitting place the dumbbells on your knees and use your legs to push the weights up to your shoulder. Once both dumbbells are in a upright position push the weights upward by straightening the elbows and keeping your back tight. After reaching the top slowly lower the weights back down to your shoulders to complete the rep.


Hammer Strength Row Machine

Why we picked them:

The Hammer Strength Row machine allows for a great back workout with varying grips all on one machine. The row is a pivotal exercise in any back building program and doing it on the Hammer Strength machine designed for rows makes it a safer version for anyone.

How to do them correctly:

Sit forward and place your chest firmly against the pad. While holding the handles pull the weight by bringing the elbows back until you feel a contraction in your back, traps, and deltoids. Slowly return the weight back to the starting position to finish the rep.


Seated Bench Jumps

Why we picked them:

A great way to build the legs, the seated bench jumps works on your vertical, leg drive, and explosiveness, all while making use of just body weight. It also serves to get the heart rate up for some added cardio, which makes this exercise a great all around exercise.

How to do them correctly:

While seated on a bench, swing your arms forward and drive your legs through the ground to explode off of the seat and jump as high as possible. Upon landing go back down to the seat to end the rep.



Why we picked them:

A standard ab motion that is great for all.

How to do them correctly:

While laying on the floor bend the knees and place both feet on the floor to stabilize the lower body. Bring your arms cross your body and contract your abs. While exhaling bring your upper body up, remembering to keep your neck and head relaxed. Inhale while returning to the ground to complete the rep.



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